Jul 16, 2014

MW Canada Annual Meeting (part 3)

The business session was led by Lois Mierau, our Secretary-Treasurer.  This included acceptance of the July 14, 2012 Minutes, the 2012-2013 and Reports (as found in the Annual Report Book) as well as the 2012-2013 Financial Report.  Lois also presented the proposed Opportunities for Giving 2015-2016 and it was accepted. Proposed changes to the constitution reflect the fact that MC Canada Assembly is being held biennially instead of annually.  Also, two references to a ballot vote were removed.  The adoption of the constitutional changes was accepted. 

Offering envelopes were on the tables and Lois explained that the offering would be divided between a project chosen by the hosting province (Manitoba) and one chosen by the Mennonite Women Canada executive.  The Manitoba project is going toward the publishing of the new Sunday school curriculum Shine: Living in God’s Light.  The executive has chosen to contribute toward paying for the travel costs of women from the Global South to attend Mennonite World Conference 2015 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Myrna Sawatzky presented the slate of nominees.  Liz Koop has let her name stand for a second term as President (2-year term to coincide with the next Assembly in 2016) and Lois Mierau has let her name stand for a second term (2 years) as Secretary/Treasurer.  It was moved, seconded and carried that Liz Koop be re-elected as President for a 2-year term ending in 2016 and that Lois Mierau be re-elected as Secretary/Treasurer for a 2-year term ending in 2016. A president-elect is needed beginning July 2015. Myrna also mentioned the need for leadership positions to be filled in the provinces/regions.   

Liz Koop then introduced the 2014 Bible Study Guide, Practicing Presence by Terri Plank Brenneman, a joint venture by MennoMedia, Mennonite Women Canada and Mennonite Women USA.  She encouraged women to pick up a copy at the MennoMedia display table in the dining tent.

Who would win???
The finale of the business meeting was the presentation of our 5 door prizes.  The executive members from the 5 provinces had each prepared a gift reflective of their part of the country.  It was fun to see who the winners were.  (See photos below)

Adele Wedler from Edmonton, AB wins the SK door prize

Margaret Ewert from Drake, SK wins the AB door prize

Vicki Dick from Waterloo, ON wins the ON door prize.

Elsie Wiebe (MB rep) presents Annemarie Rogalsky
 with the MB door prize

Gladys Block from Winnipeg, MB wins the BC door prize

The next blog post will feature the Faith and Life Women's Chorus and three speakers so please stay tuned!

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