Now that we are a couple of weeks into the New Year it's time to let you know about what's happening in the various projects and programs we support through our Opportunities for Giving. This includes the Pennies and Prayer Legacy Fund (PPLF), Spiritual Growth Assistance Fund (SGAF), International Ministries, Short-term Ministries and our Publications and Communications.
I'm planning to do separate posts for the projects/programs listed above and hope to do one a week until they are all covered.
We'll also let you know about women's activities that happen across Canada in our five geographic areas: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Eastern Canada.
Thanks for visiting our blog and please leave a comment, suggestion or question below.
On behalf of the executive,
Liz Koop, President
Hi Liz! Thank you for your diligence in keeping this blog going. I am going to log in and read it more regularly. I just want to let you know that we have an exciting program planned for WMCEC Enrichment Day on April 23rd this year. I will let you know more as time goes on but you won't want to miss this one! Every woman at every age will want to be there! This year we will be at Rouge Valley Mennonite Church. Mark that date!