I first heard about Sister Care in January
2012 when I was invited by a group of women from Bayshore Mennonite Church in Sarasota, FL to attend a Sister Care mini-workshop. After a time of worship and
singing led by Doris Diener, Minister of Southeast Mennonite Women, about 45
women participated in several activities to help us focus on where we have met
God in our lives and how we can work through our relationships towards healing.
Carolyn and
Rhoda are passionate about equipping women for caring ministries and will
present 4 sessions as follows:
1. Claiming our identity as God’s
2. Caring for self and others
3. Compassionate listening
4. Transforming loss and grief
More detailed information about Sister Care
can be found at
MW USA’s website. (click here)
Friday and Saturday, October 3 and 4, 2014
Cambridge Hotel and Conference Centre, Cambridge, ON
REGISTRATION is limited so please register
early. Cost of registration is $60
payable to WMCEC ($70.00 after September 19). Overnight accommodations and
meals are recommended and payable through the Conference Centre. Cost for room and meals: $105 to $125. Food only: $75.
For more information contact
Phyllis Ramer
519-236-7332, peramer@hay.net
Hamm 905-562-7443 or dorthhamm@hotmail.com
Phyllis, WMCEC Coordinator says: "We
have been blessed by financial support from the MCEC Go and Grow Fund and
Mennonite Savings and Credit Union.
Because of their generosity, we are able to keep costs for participants
below $200 for this quality seminar."
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