Mennonite Women Canada - Opportunities for Giving 2014-15
Early in March each year our executive meets for three days during Mennonite Church Canada's Spring Leadership Assembly in Winnipeg. After a short devotional each morning we spend a few minutes getting re-acquainted with each other and then it is down to business. Each of our 5 area church reps shares a report on their past year's activities, including joys as well as challenges. We discuss our various projects and look at our financial report from the past year. The budget proposal for the upcoming year is discussed and prepared. Since Assembly 2012 in Vancouver, MC Canada has gone to holding biennial assemblies. We have been advised by MC Canada staff that the executive has the legal power to approve the budget in years when there is no Assembly. Financial statements and budget will continue to be generated and distributed on an annual basis. (Report Book 2012, page 20) Our fiscal year runs from February 1 to January 31, so the Opportunities for Giving for 2014-15 was prepared in March 2013 and distributed to churches and women's groups in April.
We have just posted this year's Opportunities for Giving on our web page which is part of MC Canada's web page. Our full financial report can be found in our 2012 Annual Report Book which was sent to your church/women's group or distributed at your Spring Enrichment/Inspirational Day. If you would like a copy, please leave a comment requesting it and I will send you an electronic copy.
Our projects have basically remained the same for the past few years but there are always some slight changes. The recipients of our Spiritual Growth Assistance Fund change from year to year. Our Pennies and Prayer Legacy Fund recipients could potentially change every three years.
Our International Ministry Project also changes from time to time. So please check this blog for updates on these projects and/or links to the recipients.
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