The thoughts below are taken from something I found on the internet a few years ago. The author is Jim Rohn and I have taken some excerpts from his writings.

If we want to be the kind of people who are characterized by thankfulness, then we must make sure that we focus on it --- and not just on Thanksgiving Day but at all times during the year. Here are some thoughts that are simple and practical to apply in your quest for becoming more thankful:
*TIME* Set aside time regularly to be quiet, to reflect.
*THOUGHT* Give thought to the many blessings you have. Take time each day to think of one or two things you have taken for granted and then take a moment and give thanks for those.
*GENEROSITY* Be generous to those with less and not envious of those with more.
*ASK* Ask a friend what they are thankful for.
*ACKNOWLEDGE* Tell those you love how thankful you are for having them in your life. Let them know what they mean to you, and in return you'll begin to create the possibility of deeper, richer, more fulfilling relationships with those you love.
Let us do our best to be aware of the many great gifts that we have each and every day of the year!
Happy Thanksgiving!

If your home is like most, your Thanksgiving Day will be very busy, with either travelling to where you want to go or preparing your home to have others over for the day. Either way, that can be very hectic and emotionally trying, which doesn't particularly lend itself to preparing your heart to be reflective and thankful....
If we want to be the kind of people who are characterized by thankfulness, then we must make sure that we focus on it --- and not just on Thanksgiving Day but at all times during the year. Here are some thoughts that are simple and practical to apply in your quest for becoming more thankful:
*TIME* Set aside time regularly to be quiet, to reflect.
*THOUGHT* Give thought to the many blessings you have. Take time each day to think of one or two things you have taken for granted and then take a moment and give thanks for those.
*GENEROSITY* Be generous to those with less and not envious of those with more.
*ASK* Ask a friend what they are thankful for.
*ACKNOWLEDGE* Tell those you love how thankful you are for having them in your life. Let them know what they mean to you, and in return you'll begin to create the possibility of deeper, richer, more fulfilling relationships with those you love.
Let us do our best to be aware of the many great gifts that we have each and every day of the year!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!