In the following weeks I plan to post write-ups about the various provincial/area meetings that have been held across Canada this spring. For over 70 years women's groups from each province have met once or twice a year to discuss business, listen to a guest speaker and fellowship with one another. In the past number of years the women who attend these meetings (and the ones in our local churches) are getting older and there are fewer younger women in attendance. This has not gone unnoticed and Mennonite Women Canada is constantly being challenged to find ways to encourage the participation of younger women. --Liz Koop
Saskatchewan Women in Mission (SWM)
celebrated their annual Enrichment Day on Saturday, April 27, 2013 at Eigenheim
Mennonite Church with 87 women in attendance. In the foyer, bedding plants on a garden bench depicted the
day’s theme – “Like a Watered Garden” – while water trickled through several
garden fountains, adding an auditory element to the visual display.
Hosted by
Eigenheim Women’s Fellowship, the event began with refreshments and a time of
visiting. Morning worship included hearty singing led by Gwen Ens and
accompanied by Donna Schulz, and a devotional by Lois Siemens. SWM executive
officers were commissioned for another year of service during the annual
business meeting. They are Myrna Sawatzky, president, Marilyn Neufeld,
vice-president, Ruth Quiring Heppner, treasurer, and Verna Olfert, secretary.
Naomi Unger and Lois Siemens continue on the program committee; the third
position on this committee is vacant. Kathy Friesen, Glennis Koop, and Denise
Epp form the nominating committee.
Following lunch in the fellowship hall, Melita Hildebrand, gave
participants a mental workout with a gardening quiz, and Marian Hooge Jones
offered a physical workout with a series of gardening-related stretches and
exercises. The afternoon session began with a devotional by Naomi Unger and
special music by the Eigenheim women. Kaytee Edwards, representing MCC
Saskatchewan’s gardening project, described her work of teaching inner-city
children to grow their own food. SWM designated a portion of the afternoon’s offering for
this project. Featured speaker Lavonne Dyck of Glenbush eloquently shared what
gardening has taught her about faith in Christ. Then four women – Verna Olfert,
Kristen Fehr, Renata Klassen and Rosalind Epp – shared their “100-word stories”
about meeting God in their gardens. This was followed by conversation in the
pews around the question, “What have you learned about God through gardening?”
A memorial service, led by the women of Zoar Mennonite Church, Langham,
honoured women who passed away in 2012. Refreshments and more visiting brought
the day’s activities to a close.
- Donna Schulz
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