Let Justice Roll Down, commissioned by Mennonite Women Canada and Mennonite Women USA, is recommended for women’s gatherings, Sunday School classes, retreats, or individual reading and inspiration. Twelve sessions examine the book of Amos, with topics that include the prophetic voice, the church’s witness in the world, consumption and generosity, and the relationship between worship and justice.

Copies are now available for purchase and can be ordered from:
* Kathy Shantz telephone 1-800-631-6535 or email KathyS@MennoMedia.org
* Online at MennoMedia
* Online at www.mennonitechurch.ca/resourcecentre/Ordering
* CMU Bookstore
1-877-231-4570 extension 339
back issues contact Liz Koop at 905-562-5920 or presmwcanada@gmail.com
So looking forward to meeting Rebecca in person and hosting her at our annual MCBC Women's Ministry Retreat Weekend - October 18 - 20, 2013 at Camp Squeah.