How can congregations provide better care for women's needs?
Mennonite Women USA has prepared this 4-session manual to address issues of identity, self-care, compassionate listening, loss and grief - for women/caregivers in the church. Four units, with reflection and action options, and an extensive appendix, offer women's groups an important manual for discussion and discovery. Based on the "Sister Care" seminar, this manual can also be used separately to move your group closer to God and to each other as you extend "care" to the women in your church and community.
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While in Sarasota, Florida, this past month I was invited to attend a Sister Care follow-up to a workshop based on the resource posted. I was invited to attend by a group of women from Bayshore Mennonite Church who have become dear friends. After a time of worship and singing led by Doris Diener, Minister of Southeast Mennonite Women, about 45 women participated in several activities to help us focus on where we have met God in our lives and how we can work through our relationships towards healing. This is definitely a resource every women's group should be aware of. If you want to purchase a copy please contact me!