Participants at the 2017 B.C. Women's Day gather outside to chat. Changing times and perspectives on women's ministry have put the future of the annual gathering in doubt. (photo by Amy Dueckman) |
Mennonite women in British Columbia have been coming
together each spring since 1939 for Women’s Inspirational Day, a time of
spiritual encouragement and fellowship. But as the planned date of May 6, 2018,
approached, still without a coordinator or location for the event, some were
questioning whether the annual spring gathering has seen its day.
Waltrude Gortzen, who has acted as Mennonite Church BC’s
women’s coordinator for 10 years, stepped down earlier this year. She had been
the driving force behind keeping this annual event going, along with the fall
women’s retreat. “I’ve been asking and asking for new members, and nobody has
stepped up,” says Gortzen. “This year I said, ‘I’m done.’ I’ve been here 10
years. If it falls through the cracks, it falls through the cracks.”
Not wishing to see the event die after almost 79 years,
Janette Thiessen, MC BC’s office administrator, took up the reins herself.
She arranged for Elsie Rempel of Winnipeg to speak, found a caterer and
contacted four churches to host before getting a successful response from
Langley Mennonite Fellowship. She also dropped the word “inspirational” from
the event, instead promoting it as simply Women’s Day.
“I couldn’t see it not happening,” says Thiessen. “I’m of
the era that says I will keep something going until it doesn’t seem practical
anymore. Are we flogging a dead horse? When 100 women show up, I think it’s
worth it.”
Times have changed since 1939, when BC Women in Mission
(BCWM) held its first Inspirational Day. At that event, the offering taken to
be used for purchasing sewing materials totalled $2. Women of the day were
gathering regularly to sew materials for overseas relief and missions projects.
Modern women who do not sew, who are employed outside the home, or who have
other social activities in their lives, no longer find such a model relevant.
Gortzen says the planning committees don’t know how to reach
the younger women. “Younger generations are plain not interested; they have no
clue to our history,” she says. “They say ‘It’s not for me, it’s for the older
women.’ Or they say, ‘We have our care group, why do we need anything else?’ ”
Thiessen believes there is a tension in trying to find topics
and speakers to cater to younger women and satisfying older women who have been
coming faithfully for many years. She believes that “younger women aren’t so
much into conferences. They’re more into their blogs and other things.”
Sue Kehler, who was BCWM president from 1994 to ’96, recalls
planning and participating in many Inspirational Days. Now in her 80s, she
still enjoys attending. She recalls when Women’s Day was up to an entire day or
a day-and-a-half long. “I believe strongly that women should certainly have a voice
in the church and do believe [the Women’s Days] have been serving a purpose,”
says Kehler. “It is true that we are struggling, and I think the biggest reason
is that younger [women] want to do things together with their husbands.”
So far, the fall women’s retreat at Camp Squeah has been
well attended, but it too is dependent on a volunteer committee. Two committee
members are ending their terms this year, so the future of the retreat remains
to be seen.
“If we don’t have a women’s coordinator, I don’t know that
we can continue,” says Thiessen.
This article was written by Amy Dueckman (BC Correspondent for the Canadian Mennonite) and appeared in the April 23, 2018 edition.