Recently I was asked "What is so special about the MCA
women’s retreat?"
I remember as a child, my mom leaving us kids in my father’s
care (or sometimes an aunt and uncle), in order to go to “Women’s
Conference”. We had a big family, and
for my mom to take time away from it was something unheard of. What was important enough for her to do that?
Now many years later, I can only be grateful that the
continuing opportunity for women to come together in a spiritual and social
venue has stood the test of time. It is
still a valuable and worthy event!
I started coming to the retreat only four years ago. I didn’t really know what to expect, and
never having been to one before, wasn’t even sure it was something I should
take time away from the home front to do.
A couple of ladies from my church were involved in the music portion of
the weekend and encouraged me to come along.
What I found that weekend was something I had not had in my life for a long
time. And people I knew later told me
that they saw a side to me they had never seen before.
It was a place to be free:
free from the daily responsibilities as a mother (it took some planning,
and I admit some letting go, to make arrangements for the family), free to be
served instead of serving (meals provided, a soft bed with sheets I wouldn’t
have to launder), free to laugh without fear of appearing silly (silliness was
embraced), free to enjoy the part of me which loves learning (4 sessions in 3 days),
free to be vulnerable with sisters in Christ (opening up and getting real with
each other). It was the closest thing to
what I remembered dorm-life at Bible School to be.
I was reunited with a number of ladies I hadn’t seen for
years, and introduced to many new and wonderful other ladies. Over the years, I’ve begun to enter into a
unique relationship with many of these ladies whom I only see once or twice a
year, and we just pick up where we left off.
There is something about being together for these three days with common
goals, and learning, praying, and having fun together that is just so bonding. Even though we come from many different
backgrounds, and are of different ages, it just feels so natural and right.
I come away from retreat each time feeling a little more comfortable in
my own skin, and empowered to make life more meaningful and purposeful; I’m often
invigorated to continue the field of study the guest speaker has
introduced. I encourage anyone to come
and experience whatever it is that God is bringing to you. If you need laughter, you will find much to
laugh about and an easy crowd to tell your jokes to. If you need to feel God’s love through a
sister, there will be someone there who has walked a road similar to you and
will feel your pain. If you need to be
taken care of, you will not have to cook a meal or clean a toilet. If you need quiet and introspection, you will
find a time and place. If you need a
creative outlet, there’s opportunity provided. If you need spiritual depth, you
will not come away empty. If you need
fellowship, it will be there in abundance.
While my mom never shared what went on at “Women’s
Conference”, I’m sure she had many of the same experiences. There really is
something special that only happens at retreat.
I encourage you to find out what that something special is for you.
~ Laura Wiebe
(Laura attends Trinity Mennonite Church in Calgary, AB and is serving her second year on the Retreat Committee.)
2017 MCA Women's Retreat Poster
Guest speaker Sara Wenger Shenk,
President of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Photos from the 2017 MCA Women's Retreat