The following letter was prepared by Shirley Redekop, President of Mennonite Women Canada and Elsie Rempel, Secretary/Treasurer.
Blessings for the fall season with its energy and new
beginnings, even while our gardens yield their harvest and settle into a season
of rest. We hope you have received and are enjoying this year's Bible Study
Guide, Live Your Call, Embracing God's Mission. My husband,
Peter, a seasoned church leader, is enjoying it for his devotional reading and
recently asked me, "Are the other BSGs this good too?" If you haven't
received the copy we sent to your church, please check with the BSG
contact person or the person who distributes the mail. In my church, I added it
to the library after introducing it in sharing time. We hope it brings blessing
however it is used.
The executive of Mennonite Women Canada is looking forward
to an additional executive meeting right after the concluding worship of the
Special Delegate Assembly of Mennonite Church Canada this October 15.
Please pray for us! We will be bringing a resolution to remain under the
organizational umbrella of Mennonite Church Canada at the Assembly and will
then meet afterwards to see how our planning needs to adjust to changes the
nation wide church has decided on. Therefore, you will not be receiving the
customary fall issue of our Connections newsletter before then, but will
receive a report from us after that.
In the meantime, it has come to my attention that some of
the women's groups in our congregations may not have received our 2016
Annual Report Book, Continuing the Call with its Opportunities for Giving Form on
page 20. That was certainly not our intent! While there are many structural
changes occurring in our nation wide church, ministry needs and many
opportunities continue, and the donations of your women's group remain most
desired and appreciated.
As always, we look forward to hearing about what is
happening in your area. Mennonite Women Manitoba's Spring Retreat report and the BC Women's Ministry Inspirational Day report are now
posted on our blog
We hope you will soon see more reports there from across the country.
Elsie Rempel
MWCanada Secretary/Treasurer
Shirley Redekop
MWCanada President
Note: MW Canada's 2016 Annual Report Book is available on line. Click here.