Nov 30, 2016

Tom and Christine Poovong - International Ministry Project

The following in an excerpt from the Poovong's April 2016 Prayer Letter.  

We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It has been a very busy year for us in Thailand and also back in Calgary where we call home. We thank God for His grace and mercy to give us strength to continue this ministry. We would like to thank our partner congregations for your prayers and support, including First Mennonite Church of Saskatoon, Carman Mennonite Church of Manitoba, Mennonite Women Canada, and our home congregation Trinity Mennonite Church of Calgary, our brothers and sisters at the Lao Mennonite Conference churches, as well as our friends and family.

Last year, in partnership with two local families, we started Menno Nursery, an income generation ministry in a different neighbourhood. We have now closed that first nursery location and moved most of the supplies and materials to the church where we continue to provide a nursery service in our church neighbourhood. Now other families have joined us and we plan to start Menno Nursery again here at the church.  

To read more about their work click on April 2016 Prayer Letter.


Nov 25, 2016

Scootering to School in Manila

For Christina Bartel Barkman and her son Cody, switching from a car to scooters has pumped new energy and insights into their morning commute to school. Deborah Froese of Mennonite Church Canada writes about the impression this is making in Manila. Read the article here

Christina Bartel Barkman and her husband Darnell Barkman are giving pastoral leadership to Peace Church Philippines, a new Anabaptist church in Metro Manila. They have also been invited by the Integrated Mennonite Churches (IMC) of the Philippines to serve as mentors and provide regular resources for the youth programs of Mennonite churches in Luzon.

Christine and Darnell are recipients of Mennonite Women Canada's PENNIES AND PRAYER LEGACY FUND.

Nov 21, 2016

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

From CommonWord's Facebook page:  "November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Can and will your church speak against abuse? We have resources to help." 

CommonWord Bookstore and Resource Centre

On the average CommonWord adds 3 new resources to their collection every day. There are items to borrow, buy or download. Check their new listing regularly - - for the very latest in Anabaptist and related materials for home and congregation. 

Nov 17, 2016


Created by Elsie Rempel and Megan Kamei, the Advent At Home  series, originally produced by Mennonite Church Canada has been a well received Advent resource for families since 2002-03. Beginning in the fall of 2016, this resource will continue to be developed by the Anabaptist Faith Formation Network and the Central Plains Conference of Mennonite Church USA. This resource is called "Come, Walk in the Light of Day". You can download it at the CommonWord Bookstore and Resource Centre.   


Nov 16, 2016

Women Walking Together in Faith - November 2016 - "Making Diamonds out of us"

Our latest contribution to the Canadian Mennonite appears in the November 7, 2016 issue. Phyllis Ramer, Coordinator of WMCEC (Women of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada) shares about her journey through "darkness, discouragement and hopelessness" and how "God still gives me reminders and encouragement through 'morning songs'." If you missed reading the article titled "Making diamonds out of us", you can read the article HERE. Phyllis is pictured above with her husband, Jim.