Jul 23, 2016

Barkman's latest newsletter

Darnell and Christina Barkman, along with their children Cody, Makai and Teyah, are Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers in the Philippines. They are current recipients of our PENNIES AND PRAYER LEGACY FUND. 
Their newsletters from April 2016 and July 2016 were recently posted on our web site under NEWSLETTERS They also have a BLOG where you can read more about their life as a family, their joys and their challenges.

Jul 16, 2016

MW Canada Coffee Meeting ~ July 7, 2016

About 40 women of all ages from across Canada met at TCU Place in Saskatoon for a short business meeting, some singing and an inspirational talk from our guest speaker, Dori Zerbe Cornelsen.

Special thanks to Waltrude Gortzen, our MC BC Women's Ministry Rep, for taking photos during our meeting!
Mel Harms (right), our SK Rep and hostess for the morning, and Kate Janzen (left) our AB Rep, greeted women as they arrived and collected their tickets so they could win one of the 5 door prizes! The talented Val Wiebe led us in singing 'Great is thy Faithfulness' and 'Will you let me be your Servant' during the program. 

A huge challenge for us during the past few years has been the transition of leadership roles at both the national level and the provincial level. We are happy to announce that our key leadership roles of President and Secretary-Treasurer have been filled and that we have a Rep from every area church currently on our executive. The theme for our 64th Annual Report Book 2015 is "Embracing Transitions" and our guest speaker, Dori Zerbe Cornelsen of Winnipeg, MB, a consultant with Mennonite Foundation of Canada, gave us an inspiring message entitled "Saying YES to Transition".

Special guests in attendance were some of our Past Presidents.  In the photo above are:  Marguerite Jack, CWM Task Force Chair 2008-2010, Dodie Lepp CWM 2002-2005, Ruby Harder CWM 1993-1999, Erna Neufeldt CWM 2005-2011, Liz Koop MW Canada 2011-2016, Shirley Redekop MW Canada 2016-? 

Installation of Shirley Redekop of Elmira, ON as President
"Receive this candle as a symbol of the love of Christ, the power of the 
Holy Spirit and a token of our support and encouragement." 

 Installation of Elsie Rempel of Winnipeg, MB as Secretary-Treasurer 
"Receive this candle as a symbol of the love of Christ, the power of the 
Holy Spirit and a token of our support and encouragement." 

2016 -2017 Executive: Mel Harms (SK Rep), Elsie Wiebe (MB Rep), Kate Janzen (AB Rep), Shirley Redekop (President) Elsie Rempel (Secretary-Treasurer), Dorothy Hamm (sitting in for Phyllis Ramer WMCEC Rep), Waltrude Gortzen (MC BC Women's Ministry Rep)

Before the Assembly was over Shirley and I spent some time at the Mennonite Women Canada display area going over some of the computer files that need to be transferred.  We are hoping for a smooth transition in both of the leadership positions. In the past couple of years our liaison with Mennonite Church Canada has been Tany Warkentin who serves on Witness Council as Short Term Ministries Coordinator.  Tany has been a wonderful support to both Lois and me in our positions and she will continue to support Shirley and Elsie in their roles.   Thank-you, Tany!

Jul 14, 2016

Women Walking Together in Faith - July 2016

Passing on the Faith by Example

Canadian Mennonite's latest article by 
Ev Buhr - president of Alberta Women in Mission

You can find it HERE