We realize that women’s ministry today has
a different look than in the past and we strive to connect with women of all ages
across the different cultures represented in our churches.
Let's all pray for wisdom and guidance as we work
Note: When you register on-line, please choose Mennonite Women Canada Annual Meeting as your Thursday morning seminar choice.
Local Saskatchewan women who want to attend our event only will still need to register on line – (select Mennonite Women Canada Only attendee type) or through Coreena Stewart or Mel Harms (see below). You can pick up your ticket at the registration desk and then pick up your refreshments and proceed to the room indicated on the ticket. Our meeting will start at 10:30 am and go until 12:00 noon.
Coreena (CAO MC Canada) - cstewart@mennonitechurch.ca or (204) 888-6781 ext. 122 or 1-866-888-6785
Mel (SK Rep to MW Canada) - cmharms3@gmail.com or (306) 292-2922