Mar 17, 2016

Women Walking Together in Faith - March 2016 - "Volunteering: Is it still part of our DNA?

Our latest contribution to the Canadian Mennonite appears in the March 14, 2016 issue. Waltrude Gortzen, BC Women's Ministry Rep, writes from the heart about volunteering. Many times over the years I have been asked to volunteer here or there, but at the same time I have also been asked, “Why do you do this to yourself?”
Read the full article HERE.

Waltrude Gortzen and Arlene Peters volunteer at the
Mennonite Heritage Museum in Abbotsford, BC

Mar 4, 2016

Executive Update

My apologies for having neglected posting for the past few weeks.  

Mennonite Women Canada is anticipating some transitions in leadership as you might already know. Since last March we have been actively searching for someone to take over my position as President as well as Lois Mierau's position as Secretary-Treasurer. We have used this blog, our Facebook page, our CONNECTIONS newsletter, announcements in church bulletins across the country, emails to attendees of our two previous annual meetings and have done some shoulder-tapping ..... all to no avail until a few weeks ago! We are please to have received confirmation from Shirley Redekop from Floradale Mennonite Church in Floradale, ON that she will be our new President beginning in July. She will be formally installed at our annual meeting during Mennonite Church Canada Assembly in Saskatoon. Our prayers for a new leader have been answered. Unfortunately we still do not have a Secretary-Treasurer to replace Lois Mierau who has served for 6 years. Perhaps this is a position that you might be interested in volunteering for? Please contact us if you are interested or if you know someone who is.

Every spring we meet as an executive consisting of President, Secretary-Treasurer and a Representative from each provincial/area church to discuss the shared ministries we support.  As you might know, out of Mennonite Women Canada's five area organizations, only two are still formally functioning.  Women in BC (2008), MB (2009) and SK (2015) have all dissolved their formal structures although they do have a provincially appointed representative that is part of our executive who connects with the women in their province and facilitates provincial Women's Retreats/Enrichment Days.  With this in mind and knowing that Mennonite Church Canada will also be undergoing restructuring as a result of the Future Directions Task Force recommendations, we are anticipating some changes in our future role, direction and structure. 


Over the last 64 years Mennonite Women Canada has been a place where women across Canada have been able to come together with a common vision and purpose:  to find fellowship, inspiration and support from each other as well as to support various ministries outside their local spheres such as international projects and scholarships for women.  As the world around us changes we, too, must be open to finding new vision and purpose and open to doing things differently.   

Our hope and dream is that we, and the women in our congregations, will envision new ways to use our gifts and our energy to do God’s work. 

Liz Koop, on behalf of the executive
President Elect - Shirley Redekop 
Secretary-Treasurer - Lois Mierau
BC Rep - Waltrude Gortzen
AB Rep - Kate Janzen
SK Rep - Mel Harms
MB Rep - Elsie Wiebe
MCEC Rep - Phyllis Ramer