Nov 26, 2014

Women walking together in faith - November 2014 - "Writing on the walls of my little room"

Women Walking Together in Faith is the name of Mennonite Women Canada's page in the Canadian Mennonite magazine. Our executive members each take a turn writing or finding someone to write.  The most recent article entitled "Writing on the walls of my little room" appeared on November 10 and was written by Phyllis Ramer, Coordinator of Women of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (WMCEC). 

She writes:  "My mother sternly warned me against doing such a thing.....Yet, as the years flew by, I had a growing urge to just do it: to write on the walls of the little room.....
Click here to read the article. 

Nov 9, 2014

Remembrance Day, November 11, 2014

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, sharing God's love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice.

Starting on Nov 1 and in the days leading up to Remembrance Day, MCC is sharing stories of peace on Facebook.  These stories are part of their 30 page resource called "Peace Sunday Packet"

The stories are of people resisting war, making peace in the midst of war, and practicing alternatives to war and violence. Some of them are about the First and Second World Wars, and others are more recent. Some of them are about Mennonites and Brethren in Christ, but many are not. Some stories are about Mennonite Central Committee partners building peace in different parts of the world." 

Nov 7, 2014

Creating Beauty out of Randomness

On September 26-28 a group of creative women from across Saskatchewan participated in Shekinah Retreat Centre's annual Quilting and Scrapbooking Retreat.   Retreat participants use quilting as a metaphor for God's creative work in their lives. To read more about this event click on this link to an article written by Donna Schulz (Canadian Mennonite, October 13, 2014 issue).  Donna is the Saskatchewan Correspondent for the Canadian Mennonite.
Participants at the Shekinah Retreat Centre’s Quilting and Scrapbooking Retreat gather for a group photo on their final day together. Many of the women are holding items they crafted during the three-day event.

Nov 6, 2014

Barkman's latest newsletter

Darnell and Christina Barkman, along with their children Cody, Makai and Teyah, are Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers in the Philippines. They are current recipients of our Pennies and Prayer Legacy Fund.  Their latest newsletter (October 2014) was recently posted on our web page under Stories/Interviews/Profiles.  They also have a BLOG where you can read more about their life as a family, their joys and their challenges. 
From their email (October 29): 
Hello friends and family! I've attached our latest newsletter. Lots of big news in the past two months, including the birth of a special little girl and the launching of the Philippine Anabaptist Network!!
Much love to all of you!  
Christina, Darnell, Cody, Makai and Teyah