School days, school days, good old fashioned school days.....
As August draws to a close and September is just around the corner, I'm sure there are a lot of us who have mixed feelings about the start-up of another school year. Perhaps those of us who have young children worry about how they will fare on the first day of school. Those of us who are teachers may be excited to be back in the classroom with a new bunch of students. For those of us who are seniors, school days may be just a dim memory. Education, whether in an academic setting or in our every day life, is ongoing and impacts us in countless ways.
Mennonite Women Canada has, for over 60 years, supported women pursuing higher education. Currently we have a Spiritual Growth Assistance Fund to which women studying theology at a Masters level can apply for financial assistance. This year we are pleased to announce three recipients. Iris Leung from Burnaby, BC will be studying at Trinity Western University. Melody Neufeld-Rocheleau from Saskatoon, SK will be taking courses at CMU. Jessica Reesor-Rempel from Kitchener, ON will be studying at Toronto School of Theology and Conrad Grebel College. Blessings to each of you as you study and discern where God is leading you!