On Sunday, October 21, Taryn
and Nathan Dirks were commissioned to serve as Mennonite Church Canada
Witness workers in Gaborone, Botswana.
The service was led by Nathan’s father, Rudy Dirks, who is pastor at Niagara United Mennonite Church in
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON where the Dirks’ are members.
Rudy and Sharon Dirks, Liz Koop,
Taryn and Nathan Dirks
Liz Koop, President
of Mennonite Women Canada, took part in the service explaining that Nathan and Taryn have been chosen to be
one of two families that will be supported for the next 3 years though the Pennies & Prayer Legacy Fund. (PPLF).
This is an endowment fund that is intended "to enhance the involvement
of women in Mennonite Church Canada mission work”. The projects are chosen with the hope that the women working
in them will feel that there is a supportive community of women that cares
about them and their work, both financially and with prayer.
We trust that as Nathan
and Taryn embark on this journey, they will feel the prayers and support of
friends and relatives and also of the many women from across Canada who make up
Mennonite Women Canada.
Liz Koop, on behalf of the Executive Committee of Mennonite
Women Canada
You can email the Dirks’ at ntdirks@mennonitechurch.ca and
follow their blog at www.ntdirks.com