Aug 16, 2012

Mennonites Everywhere!

Have you seen or heard about this series of short videos created by Mennonite Church Canada?  If not you might want to check them out.  Nick Spaling, an NHL hockey player, is featured in the first video.   Zahara Kwaje Ali, from South Sudan and a member at Peace Mennonite Church in Regina, SK shares her story in the second video.

Intended to dispel stereotypes of who Mennonites are and to tell a story along the way, these videos are funded by above budget donations.  Mennonite Women Canada has been approached and asked if we would contribute towards the next video which is in the works. 

This video will feature a third generation Congolese Mennonite woman, Odette Mkole, who has been living, studying and working in Winnipeg for the past few years.  Odette’s great-grandfather was a Mennonite – a fact that surprises a lot of people she meets. She has an amazing story to tell! 

As an executive, we felt this would be a great project to support and are now asking you to consider giving towards it.  We are asking for individual donations as well as donations from your women’s group or church, but request that this be above your regular giving.  We hope to raise most of the money needed by the end of the year.  Please consider supporting this worthwhile project.  Designated donations can be made on-line at our Opportunities for Giving page or by contacting our treasurer Lois Mierau at