Mar 31, 2012

Wonderfully Made

Last month I wrote about our 2011 Bible Study Guide, 'Wonderfully Made'  and how a group of women from St. Catharines, ON has been using it.  It was so popular that the publisher, MennoMedia, has done a second printing and it is now available for you to purchase. The 2012 Bible Study Guide is called 'Let Justice Roll Down' by Canadian author, Rebecca Seiling, and will be available later this summer.  For more information or to purchase please contact Kathy Shantz at 1-800-631-6535 or   Online orders at

Mar 12, 2012

Spring Leadership Assembly Update

For three days the Councils and General Board of Mennonite Church Canada met in various rooms of First Mennonite Church in Winnipeg.  As part of Witness Council, we met with them briefly to report, discuss some of our ongoing projects and receive counsel.

This was my first time chairing our MW Canada executive planning meeting and I am pleased to say that, after my initial nervousness dissipated, the meetings ran smoothly.  We had a very full agenda which included:  daily devotionals; acceptance of minutes and financial statement; reviewing and selecting new recipients for our ongoing projects (see Opportunities for Giving in sidebar); meeting with local women, reporting from our Communications Committee; updating our constitution; and planning for our 60th Anniversary Celebration to be held on July 14 during Assembly in Vancouver.

The theme is "Scattering Seeds for a New Season".  Posters are being sent out to churches across Canada and tickets will be available soon.  So please plan to attend and connect with other Mennonite women from across Canada!

Mar 3, 2012

Spring Leadership Assembly

From Thursday, March 8 to Saturday, March 10 the executive of MW Canada will be meeting at First Mennonite Church in Winnipeg along with the executives and boards of Mennonite Church Canada.  This opportunity is our first of two this year that we meet face to face to evaluate, discuss and plan for the coming year.  Our second meeting takes place during the MC Canada Annual Assembly which is being held in Vancouver, BC July 12 - 15. On Saturday, July 14 we will be hosting our 60th Annual Meeting and Luncheon which is open to all women. A special anniversary celebration is being planned and we will post details as soon as they are available.  For now please save the date and plan to attend.