Dec 8, 2010


Leader: O God, the heavens are yours and the earth is yours. All our life belongs to you.
Congregation: Make us messengers of peace and justice.

Leader: May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Congregation: Make us messengers of peace and justice.

Leader: May all injustice, violence and oppression give way to fairness, mercy and good will.

Congregation: Make us messengers of peace and justice.

Leader: Teach us to use the manifold resources of the earth so that none may waste and none may want.

Congregation: Make us messengers of peace and justice.

Leader: In all our labours, may cooperation triumph over conflict; may all people find their reward in work that serves the good of all.

Congregation: Make us messengers of peace and justice.

Leader: Keep alive the holy fire within the hearts of all who dare to be the voices of unwelcome wisdom. Make us willing to hear hard demands.
Congregation: Make us messengers of peace and justice

Leader: Fill us with a passion for righteousness and a zeal to serve where there is need. Fill us with a purpose that is holy and right and just. Help us to love the noblest and best.

All: Make us messengers of peace and justice.
All: Unto you, O God be all might and majesty, dominion and power, both now and evermore. Amen.

This litany was used in Vineland United Mennonite Church on 2nd Advent Sunday, December 5, 2010.

*Adapted from Lift Up Your Hearts by Walter Russell Bowie (copyright renewal ©1984 by Mrs. Jean B. Evans, Mrs. Elizabeth Chapman, and Mrs. Walter Russell Bowie, Jr.; used by permission of the publisher, Abingdon Press. From Words for Worship; used by permission of Herald Press.

Dec 6, 2010

Night Visions: Searching the Shadows of Advent and Christmas,
by Jan Richardson, United Church Press, 1998.

A devotional guide for pilgrims awaiting the birth of hope. Leads spiritual travelers on a journey through the Christmas season, ushering quiet moments of introspection into a time that is often rushed and hurried.

Also check Jan's blog, "The Painted Prayerbook" here.

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