May 22, 2009

Bridging the Gap, Enlarging the Tent

This is indeed a challenge! How do we go about finding what it is that will bring Mennonite women of all ages together with a common vision for women's ministry in the church of today?

In recent months a group of seven women from across Canada have met several times as a Task Force appointed by Canadian Women in Mission (CWM) to discuss, explore and discover ways in which we can 'bridge the gap' and 'enlarge the tent'.

A devotional that was presented at one of our meetings was based on Acts 9:36-42, the recounting of how Jesus raised Tabitha/Dorcas from the dead. Tabitha was well know for 'always doing good and helping the poor' and her death was lamented loudly. But the story doesn't end there. Jesus raised Tabitha to new life! Similarly the Task force has been set up to find new and exciting ways through which CWM can be raised to new life.

We would like to hear from women of all ages from all across Canada about what they see as their mission. Are there new ways in which we can connect with each other as well as learn from and support each other?

The Task Force is inviting you to discuss ways in which the Spirit is working through women in the church. Here are some questions that you might want to consider. Your responses will help us discern the future direction which CWM takes.

1. What is your prayer/vision for Mennonite women in today's church and church of the future?
2. What activities or pursuits are Mennonite women being called to participate in?
3. What are some innovative ways Mennonite women of all ages across Canada can connect with each other?

Over the next few months the Task Force will be developing a survey which we hope to post on this blog as well as print in the Canadian Mennonite and distribute to Mennonite churches across Canada. We hope that everyone will participate. We need to hear from you!

As CWM strives to connect and nurture Mennonite women across Canada we as a Task Force ask for your prayers as we continue to look for ways to 'bridge the gap' and 'enlarge the tent'.

Posted by Liz Koop (on behalf of the Task Force) on May 22, 2009

May 20, 2009

Women's Resources for Loan

Profiles of Anabaptist Women: 16th Century Reforming Pioneers by C. Arnold Snyder and Linda Huebert Hecht, Wilfrid Laurier, 1996.

During the upheavals of Reformation, one of the most significant of the radical Protestant movements emerged--that of the Anabaptist movement. Profiles of Anabaptist Women provides lively, well-researched portraits of courageous women who chose to risk persecution and martyrdom to pursue this unsanctioned religion--a religioun that, unlike the established religions of the day, initially offered them opportunity and encouragement to proselytize and take on leadership roles.

These personal stories of courage, faith, commitment, and resourcefulness interweave women's lives into the greater milieu, relating them to the dominant male context and the socio-political background of the sixteenth-century reformation.

Borrow this title from the MC Canada Resource Centre online catalogue here.

Questions or suggestions?
Please contact the Resource Centre
or check our loan policy.

Loaned books are sent anywhere in Canada - free of charge - both ways!

We'll profile a new title at this blog every month.